GRENTECH Celebrate its 17th Anniversary and Initializes a New Round of Innovation


On June 22, GRENTECH greeted its 17th anniversary and held the celebration in its Headquarter in Shenzhen. The company executives and the employees with 10th anniversary of serving age in Shenzhen gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the company. Employees from across China sent videos and photos to express warm congratulations. Li Zhuangming, Director of Audit and Supervision Center, gave a congratulatory message for the celebration.

The celebration started with the birthday video of 17th anniversary of GRENTECH. The video reviewed the entrepreneurship journey and the course of innovation of GRENTECH, and showcased the brilliance of GRENTECH. When everyone was in the wonderful video, the activity went to the stage of competition for knowledge about the history of GRENTECH. 17 questions were provided, involving GRENETCH history, strategy, culture, etc. They were all responded in a lively atmosphere.

At the celebration, the company presented souvenir to those employees with 10th anniversary of serving age in Shenzhen, and presented the loyalty medal and prize to Zhao Yuxia, a retired employee who had worked diligently for GRENTECH for 17 years.

In the speech, GM Gao expressed his heartfelt thanks to the team of GRENTECH who, cute and great, made repeated miracles in the 17 years and the employees’ family who supported the cause of GRENTECH. According to Gao, the company is the second home of employees. He would do his utmost to lead everyone in building the community of GRENTECH into a happier family.

Gao’s speech focused on how to deepen innovation in the new around. According to Gao, the age of big data brings us grand opportunity for business development. Our way out and development opportunity lies in sustainable innovation. At the 17th anniversary of GRENTECH, the company made a decision to deepen innovation to a higher level, and, by summarizing innovation studies and practice in the previous stage, further positions innovation in depth, scale and transformation at three level in an accurate and clear manner. The management executives and core cadres of the company focus on innovation at these three levels and adhere to the guideline of “focus on strategy, breakthrough on development, mechanism assured and driven by culture”, and further carry out innovation seminar in an in-depth manner.

Gao highlights that GRENTECH has been appearing robust upon years of innovation practice. It is a belief that sustainable innovation practice will certainly revitalize the company to a greater extent, and the development strategy of GRENTECH and the dream of all the staff will be attained soon!